Caller's Bane Wiki

Open Beta[]

Version Date of Addition Additions Summary
0.131.1 beta September 26, 2014



  • When losing a Trial you haven't yet beaten, you now gain gold as when losing against the AI, minus the idol bonus.

Bug Fixes:

  • Banner of Ordinance (Order): Fixed crash bug when removing Lingering spells.
0.131 beta[1] September 23, 2014


  • Added the Black Market. This is a player-driven marketplace for Scrolls that's accessible from within the Store. The Black Market lets you buy and sell scrolls even when the seller is offline.
  • Added 10 new trials. In some of these trials, you will be using a fixed deck instead of choosing your own.
  • Arena:
    • The arena has been given a new look, and single player quick match has been renamed to Skirmish. This overhaul is still work in progress.
    • Added help texts for game modes in the Arena.
  • Judgement:
    • Reverted back to using entirely randomized rarities instead of having fixed rarity rows.
    • Increased gold rewards to 2500/1500/1000/500/250/100 (was 1600/1000/800/400/200/100).
  • You can now click certain scrolls to bring up more detailed rules. One or more highlighted words in the scroll rules indicates when this is possible.
  • Added a profanity filter to the chat. This uses black listed words compiled from several sources. If you find any words that should not be in the black list, please report them to a moderator.
  • Testing Grounds have been removed and replaced by Quick Match. As the test server is now open for everyone on Mondays, we'll run future tests there instead.
  • Added new guide popups that are shown the first time you view the Arena, Deck Builder, Crafting, Store or Profile pages. These can be brought up again by clicking the page's name while on it.
  • Gameplay:
    • Gold gain in regular matches has been increased by 25%.
    • You can now sacrifice for Wild up to double your lowest resource (in other words, having 2G and 2O lets you get 4W).
    • Abilities can now be used any number of times per turn (unless rules specify otherwise).
    • Attack and Health values on units are now tinted when their value has been increased above or below the unit's default value.
    • Curse and Poison are now effects instead of enchantments. Purification, Unbind and Wings Sorceress can now remove effects as well as enchantments.
    • When an ability is used, an effect is shown on the user and target of the ability.
    • Enchanted units now have a slight additional glow.
    • Relentless units now deal minimum required damage to destroy Cursed units.
  • Traits:
    • New trait: Idol strike X: Deals X extra damage to idols.
    • New trait: Regeneration X: Heals X at the beginning of each of your turns.
    • Poison: Now lasts until purified or unit dies.
    • Flying: Now lets a unit move anywhere, but have its Countdown increased by 1 if moving to a non-adjacent tile.



  • Scroll art has been updated for improved readability.
  • Added ingame descriptions for the following concepts: Base Countdown, Lingering spells, Move, melee combat, poison, current resources, healing, effects, Dominion, Pillage, Curse, Armor, Magic armor, Relentless, Piercing, Ward, Sift, curse triggering and pseudo-random countdown selection.
  • Added short ingame descriptions for summoned creatures: Illthorn, Husk, Nog, Mangy Rat, Beast Rat, Gun Automaton, Bunny, Monstrosity, Ragged Wolf, Owl, Mire Shambler and Revenant.
  • Hitting Ctrl+S in the deck builder now brings up the save dialog.
  • Abilities can now be used any number of times per turn unless rules say otherwise.
  • Adjusted wordings on a great number of scrolls for consistency and clarity. Attack/Health boosts, Countdown reduction, resource increase, damage dealing, 'while in play' modifiers and the use of gain/get have all been standardized.
  • Non-video settings are now saved per profile instead of per computer.
  • Added a sign out button to the splash page.
  • Added a code of conduct button to the splash page.
  • Added a 'Forgot your password' button that shows up if you enter an incorrect password.
  • Enchantment tabs on scrolls are now more tightly squeezed together if you have too many.
  • Trial bosses now have a Boss enchantment tab.
  • The game client now has a new icon to separate it from the launcher.
  • Hitting the left and right arrows in the deck builder now scrolls the library correspondingly.
  • The deck builder now properly remembers the deck's name even when it's just been saved for the first time
  • Hitting the up arrow in the chat now puts your most recent message in the text field
  • Running the game with the old launcher now fully supports remembering login (using tokens - your password is never stored).
  • Can now choose to use a fixed battlemode background.

Bug Fixes:

  • If one player fails to enter a match, neither player is given a victory or loss.
  • Fixed a bug where hovering traits on scrolls would sometimes behave incorrectly.
  • Now properly showing the highlight around library/graveyard when sacrificing for scrolls.
  • Attack glow is no longer always turned off when an ability is used (for example if a Gravelock Outcast has 0 CD).
  • Fixed bug where Judgement rewards scroll picking animation would be in the wrong place.
  • Now properly giving owner history to upgraded scrolls when buying Explorer's packs and face up cards.
  • Starter deck achievements now properly show how many more matches you need to win to unlock the decks.
0.124 beta[2] June 18, 2014


  • We're also providing Windows users access to our brand-new installer and launcher with this update, and would really appreciate any feedback. It's at its final stages of testing, but we're not making it mandatory just yet. If you'd like to give it an early try, hit the link below and then run the installer.
  • Please post any launcher feedback and bug reports in this thread. Thanks!


  • The test server is now open for all players every Monday CET/CEST
  • All players now start with a new Growth Starter deck. Three other starter decks (one for each remaining faction) can be earned by playing matches.
  • Added a second tutorial.
  • Improved visual feedback when opponent uses spells, enchantments and abilities.
  • Decks can now be imported and exported in the deck builder. If you try to import a deck and don't own all the scrolls, you will be informed which ones you're missing.
  • Added card owner history to card stats.
  • Added 40 new sounds.



  • Each scroll now has a stats view. It works like a separate "page" on the scroll that can be displayed instead of the rules.
  • AI improvements.
  • When selecting a scroll, other scrolls will have their costs grayed out if they can't be played after the selected one.
  • Added animation for when units are cursed.
  • Added new animation for generic area effects.
  • Watch games list is now sorted by rating per default.
  • Locked scrolls can now be upgraded if combined with two non-locked ones.
  • Screenshot are now automatically saved to disk when pressing F5 or Print Screen.
  • Added deck filtering to choose deck popups.
  • Added 15 new Hard AI decks.
  • Added /mods command to list currently online moderators.
  • Added some moderator commands and functionality.

Bug Fixes:

Known Issues:

  • Scrolls with Taxing get incorrect costs in the card history.
  • The achievements for unlocking new starter decks are not correctly updated in the achievements list. The unlocking works as intended.
0.121 beta[3] May 12, 2014


  • We've reworked the ranking system. Players can now earn one of twelve different rank medals. The game no longer shows others your exact rating or ranking, though the top 100 list still remains.
  • We've removed the old tutorial and added the first of two new ones. The second is coming later on.
  • We've updated the post-match screen. Players can now rate matches and see player medals in Ranked Mode. The layout has been improved too.
  • The AI is a touch more sentient. Prepare to get talked down!



  • Wild is now enabled across all game modes.
  • Added resource scroll filter (f:, faction:, res: or resource:). Multiple resources are separated by commas (for example f:g,o).
  • We've added new animations for attacks, as well as improved screenshake behaviour.
  • You can now begin watching a match before the five-minute waiting period is over. This will take you to an empty battle screen.
  • We're experimenting with hand limits; you can currently sacrifice for scrolls only if you have 7 or less scrolls in hand.
  • The in-game chat has been moved up, so that it doesn't obscure the End Turn button.
  • Added "Tips & tricks" button next to "Watch live games".
  • The AI has been improved.
  • Surrendering no longer forces you to wait for your turn.

Known issues:

  • If you have problems updating Scrolls after this update, we're very sorry! We've prepared this post to help you get it fixed.
0.119.1 beta[4] March 12, 2014


  • Mulligans are now enabled in all game modes.
  • Testing Grounds have been updated with the inclusion of Wild – a new super resource that we're hoping will make multi-resource decks more viable. Måns has gone into detail about our reasons for including this in his latest Dev Blog post.



  • Selecting a scroll now shows your remaining resources after paying its cost.
  • Improved sound synchronisation for attacks.
  • Ice Cave and Snowy Mountain backgrounds have been made darker to protect your eyes.
  • Added the missing battle backgrounds.
0.117 beta[5] February 25, 2014


  • The active player is now more clearly highlighted.
  • UI now shows what you and your opponent has recently sacrificed for.
  • The "Ctrl" stats display now remembers state between matches.
  • Added a hint box to the login screen.
  • Testing Grounds have been updated. Idols have 10 Health, timer is at 75 seconds, and a mulligan option has been added.



  • Added Explorer's Pack, which costs 1200 and is guaranteed to give you at least 4 Rebellion scrolls.
  • Added 4 new hard preconstructed decks.
  • Made packs and singles have a chance of giving you an upgraded scroll.

Deck builder / trade:

  • Added an "Add scrolls" button to add one of each selected scroll to the table.
  • Library sorting (name/cost) is now remembered between sessions.
  • Card lists (trade, buy/sell) now support the count filter (#:).
  • Added new search filters: ap:, cd:, hp:, c: and fl: for Attack, Countdown, Health, Cost and Flavor, respectively.
  • Made filtering using full words possible (type:, rarity:, desc:, tier:, set:, cost:, attack:, countdown:, health: and flavor:).
  • Hitting Ctrl+Enter in the filter box adds one of each filtered scroll to the table. Similarly, Ctrl+Delete removes one of each filtered scroll.
  • Clicking a unit in the deck builder now previews their attack animation.
  • The deck builder now shows number of types (library) and scrolls (table) when a filter is used.


  • Judgement no longer shows the same scroll twice in a row.
  • Judgement now uses fixed Rarity rows. The rows are cycled as follows: R, C, U, C, C, U, C.
  • Judgement decks are now destroyed after 5 wins or 2 losses.
  • Judgement rewards have been adjusted to compensate for the tweaks, and the entry fee has been lowered to 800 gold / 120 shards.


  • The auto-join cap for "General" chat rooms has been raised from 30 to 50.
  • Moderators can now temporarily ban users from chat rooms (up to one week).
  • Moderators can now mute users for up to one hour.
  • Custom chat rooms are now auto-rejoined in new sessions.


  • Profile page shows percentage of unique scrolls owned.
  • The config file format has been updated. Some settings may unfortunately be lost as a result of this. Sorry for any inconvenience!
  • Added 13 new trials (7 Hard, 4 Medium and 2 Easy).
  • Tier 3 scrolls now slightly increase match rewards. Drawing a T3 scroll increases a multiplier (2.5%, 5%, 10% for C/U/R), capped at 50%. After a game, match rewards are increased by this amount (excluding fixed rewards like idol or completion bonuses).
  • Added seven new battle backgrounds.
  • Added a setting to disable visuals for upgraded scrolls.
  • Crafting now shows the scrolls from your starter deck in locked piles.
  • Stats are now cleared when trading away an upgraded scroll.

Bug Fixes:

  • Accept trades / Accept challenge buttons are now enabled per default for new users.
  • The "Alt" stats display now behaves correctly.
  • Long names should no longer be cut off in battle mode.
  • Concentrate Fire now works with Piercing. Note that the extra attack is of the same type as the unit's attack when Concentrate Fire was cast, so a Piercing Projectile cast later won't affect the second attack.
  • Binding Root (and similar effects) now stop Mire Shambler from moving before attacking.
  • White flashing under units that are about to attack now works properly in spectate mode.

Known Issues:

  • If you have problems updating Scrolls after this update, we're very sorry! Please reinstall Scrolls from your Mojang account page at
0.112.2 beta[6] January 16, 2014



  • Testing Grounds have been updated. Idols now have 6/8/10/8/6 HP. The timer remains at 60 seconds.
  • The Just for You section of the store now has a 50% chance of giving you a scroll you're missing in each slot (and 50% chance of picking an entirely random scroll).
  • Reverted holiday unit art.
  • Changed two of the default chat rooms from "Decks" and "Strategy" to "Scrolls" and "Game modes".

Bug Fixes:

  • Sacrifice should now always work after rejoining a game in progress.
  • Fixed a bug where picking rewards after Judgement could sometimes fail.
  • Friends should no longer show up as online when they're actually offline.
0.112.1 beta[7] December 18, 2013



Bug Fixes:

  • Fixes for achievements not being properly awarded:
    • Win X ranked matches
    • Reach position X in the ladder
    • Blazingly fast / Stampede / Quick win
  • We've had to reset Blazingly fast in order to allow unlock of Stampede and Quick win. Sorry for any inconvenience!
  • Sacrifice should now always work after rejoining a game in progress.
0.112 beta[8] December 10, 2013


  • Added 85 achievements. Achievements are displayed on your profile page and award 100 gold each.
  • Added rating decay. Once a week, ratings will decay towards 1500.
  • Starting with this patch, we're turning the "Quick Match" mode into a testing grounds for rule changes. First up is 8 HP idols and 60 second turn timers.
  • You can now rejoin your current match even after closing the game.
  • The remaining library and discard pile counts are now displayed in battle mode.
  • Abilities activated by your opponent in a battle now display text with the ability name.



  • Added 8 new AI decks.
  • Updated the post-game screen to show the duration of the match. In ranked matches, rating and ranking change is now shown.
  • Updated the profile screen to show ranked and Judgement wins.
  • In the Watch menu, sorting by Highest Rating now uses average rating instead of the best player's rating.
  • Deck builder: Typing "s:2" will now filter scrolls in set 2. Similarly, "#:5+" will show any scrolls which you have at least five of. Handy for crafting!

Bug Fixes:

  • Players can now be challenged and invited to trade via the friends list.
  • Machination Mindset now only works on melee creatures.
0.110.5 beta[9] November 21, 2013


  • Improved rating system. Players ratings have been reset to go with this change.



  • AI improvements.

Bug Fixes:

  • The same scroll can no longer appear more than once per row in Judgement.
0.110.3 beta October 29, 2013



  • Judgement Week is now over and the "Just for You" section in the store is reverted back to normal (every 3rd day, Scrolls from all current sets).

Bug Fixes:

0.110.2 beta October 23, 2013

Bug Fixes:

  • Units' "comes into play" effects weren't triggered if killed by a State Machine.
  • Shards amount wasn't visually updated after purchasing shards.
  • Spectate games list could be partial, or games fail to begin when clicking "Watch".
  • Pest Dissimulator's effect now only triggers on damage amount >= 1.
0.110 beta[10] October 21, 2013


  • Judgement mode has been added! This lets you construct a deck from a random set of scrolls, and face opponents on an equal playing field.
  • Spectate mode has been added! This lets you view your friends, top players, or tournament players as they battle it out.



  • Two new preconstructed decks have been added.[13]
  • Increased gold reward for multiplayer losses by approximately 100%, and decreased multiplayer win gold by around 10%.
  • Death effects now display a skull instead of a damage value (Violent Dispersal, Slayer, sacrifice, etc).
  • New "Stats" button showing mana curve and scroll type distribution now available in deck builder and Judgement.

Bug Fixes:

  • Mire Curse now works on your own units.
  • Fixed an issue where one on one challenge gold would sometimes not be properly rewarded.
  • Fixed a bug where Hex Marks would damage the wrong idol.
  • Searing Shackles no longer triggers things like Mangy Wolf's ability.
  • Arthritis now works on Metal Wonder.
  • Fixed a bug that would make this fix not appear in this changelog.

Known Issues:

  • Watcher (Decay) doesn't currently trigger when adjacent units are not destroyed by damage.
0.105 beta[14] August 26, 2013



  • AI improvements.
  • Moved deck builder search box.
  • Changed a variable name in the code. Woo-hoo!

Bug Fixes:

  • Double attack bug fixed (SC-488).
  • "When unit is dealt damage" now triggers only on damage greater than 0 (SC-487, SC-519).
  • Recently purchased cards now show up when selling cards in the store.
0.103 beta[16] August 7, 2013


  • The long-awaited friends list has arrived! This includes finding online friends, whispers, and the ability to ignore users. Befriend and be merry.
  • Several chat commands have been added. Try typing /help for more information.


  • New: Solemn Giant (Energy). Creature, 8/6/4, cost 4. Solemn Giant does not count down. Pay 2 Energy to decrease Countdown by 2. This ability can be used any number of times per turn.
  • New: Wings Shield (Order). Creature, 2/2/3, cost 3. Wings Shield has Armor X, where X is the number of units behind it (combat damage dealt to Wings Shield is decreased by X).
  • New: Metal Wonder (Energy). Structure, 0/-/4, cost: 4. When your opponent plays a Spell or Enchantment, Metal Wonder deals 2 damage to a random idol under their control.
  • New: Crone (Growth). Creature, 0/3/2, cost 3. When Crone is destroyed in melee combat, the attacking unit is destroyed.
  • New: Rat King (Growth). Spell, cost 4. Summons a Beast Rat on target tile and two adjacent random tiles.
  • New: Sister of the Bear (Growth). Creature, 4/2/4, cost 4.
  • New: Storm Runner (Energy). Creature, 2/2/3, cost 3. Lobber.
  • New: Redeploy (Order). Spell, cost 3. All your units on target row switch places with all your units on another target row.
  • New: Wings Soldier (Order). Creature, 3/2/2, cost 2.


  • Deck builder now displays scroll pile sizes larger than 9.
  • Card lists now have a filter text field. It works like the deck builder search.

Bug Fixes:

  • The twitter feed is now functional again.
  • Chat scroll behavior has been improved.
  • Fixing wording on a number of scrolls to match their effect.
  • Fixed bug concerning Wildling and spells that move units. (SC-173)
  • Fixed bug where Flip activated Mangy Wolf's ability and reset Haste in trials. (SC-199)
  • Fixed bug where Transposition triggered Divine Mark. (SC-311)
  • Fixed game hangs when summoning units. (SC-8)
0.97 beta[17] July 18, 2013


  • Crafting is live.
  • You can now see your stats on upgraded Scrolls.


  • Personal store items now refresh every three days instead of once per week.
  • AI improvements.

Bug fixes:

0.95.1 beta[18] July 3, 2013


  • New: Automata Forge (Energy). Structure, 0/3/5, cost 3. Instead of attacking, Automata Forge summons a Gun Automaton on an adjacent tile. Pay 3 Energy to decrease Countdown by 1. This ability can be used any number of times per turn.
  • New: Stag Heart (Growth). Enchantment, cost 2. Enchanted unit gets +1 Attack and +1 Health for each Stag Heart in play.
  • New: Faith Duty (Order). Enchantment, cost 2. Enchant unit you control. At the beginning of each of its turns, enchanted unit is dealt 1 damage and opponent units on that row get their Countdown increased by 1.
  • Magma Pack (Energy) now adds Attack once, rather than multiplying continuously.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a number of rare server bugs.
  • Fixed missing stats on end game screen. (SC-327)

Known Issues:

  • Users running Avast will need to disable it temporarily in order to play Scrolls. More details here.
0.95 beta[19] June 26, 2013


  • Deck builder: Improved filtering interface.
  • Deck builder: Added a new sort button.
  • Store: Added rarity information and cards left when buying scrolls and packs.


  • Modified: Noaidi (Growth). Creature, 2/2/2, cost 3. When Noaidi comes into play, you gain 1 resource of each non-Growth type your opponent has.


  • Clicking the "General" or "Trading" join room buttons now automatically joins General-X or Trading-X.

Bug Fixes:

  • Chat is no longer disabled after matches. (SC-191)
  • Notice messages should now work as intended.
  • Fixed a few bugs where newly bought scrolls would render incorrectly. (SC-261)
  • Fixed issues causing the game to become unresponsive when switching servers (entering or leaving a match).
  • Usernames and passwords can now contain unicode characters.
  • Unit stats now also show for new units after being toggled with the "Ctrl" key. The "Alt" key now shows stats while held down. (SC-93)

Known Issues:

  • Users running Avast will need to disable it temporarily in order to play Scrolls. More details here.
0.94.3 beta[20] June 19, 2013


  • New: Noaidi (Growth). Creature, 3/2/2, cost 3. When Noaidi comes into play, for each resource type your opponent has, increase that resource by 1.
  • New: Efficiency (Order). Spell, cost 1. Target unit gains +1 Attack until end of turn. If that unit kills another unit this turn, increase Energy by 1.
  • New: Dust Runner (Energy). Creature, 1/2/2, cost 1. Ranged. When Dust Runner deals damage to a creature with 3 or less Health, that creature is destroyed.

Known Issues:

  • Users running Avast will need to disable it temporarily in order to play Scrolls. More details here.
0.94.2 beta[21] June 18, 2013



  • Multiplayer Quick Matches and Ranked Matches now give at least 60 idol gold when your opponent surrenders (equal to three destroyed idols).

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a selection of server bugs.

Known Issues:

  • Users running Avast will need to disable it temporarily in order to play Scrolls. More details here.
0.94 beta[22] June 6, 2013



  • New players now start with 2000 gold. Existing players have been given 2000 gold.
  • Two of the medium trials are now slightly easier.

Bug Fixes:

  • The issue where the game gets stuck on summoning a unit should now be significantly less common. We're working on a fix.
  • The last trial should now be playable.
  • Matches where one player fails to join and immediately surrenders are now less common. We're working on this issue.
  • A few minor bugfixes in the UI.

Known Issues:

  • If you are running Avast, you will need to disable it temporarily in order to login to Scrolls. We're looking into why this happens.
0.93.2 beta[23][24] June 3, 2013

Start of Open Beta.

Closed Alpha[]

Version Date of Addition Additions Summary
0.92 alpha[25] May 25, 2013


  • Avatars are now available from the store! Purchasing an avatar gives you four parts that you can mix and match with other avatars as you like.



  • Added a simple credits screen.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that made you unable to view other people's profiles while on your on profile page.

Known Issues:

  • If you are running Avast, you will need to disable it temporarily in order to login to Scrolls. We're looking into why this happens.
0.90 alpha[26] May 25, 2013



  • The deck selected as your starting deck is no longer available for purchase in the store. This will not affect players retroactively (as we're doing another wipe soon in any case).
  • The Growth Preconstructed deck has been updated.
  • Clicking the Profile button while viewing somebody else's profile will take you to your profile instead.
  • The deck builder now warns you when attempting to save invalid decks.
  • Sellback prices for scrolls are down from 30/100/200 to 25/50/100.
  • Buying random scrolls from a given resource (e.g. "Random Growth scroll") now costs 175.

Bug Fixes:

Known Issues:

  • If you are running Avast, you will need to disable it temporarily in order to login to Scrolls. We're looking into why this happens.
0.89 alpha[27] May 23, 2013


  • Shards are now enabled.
    • Shards are completely optional. We're never going to force you to spend in order to progress.
    • Every item can also be bought for in-game Gold.
    • A limited selection of items can be purchased using Shards.
    • You can now buy Shards – our secondary currency – with real-life cash.
    • Shards and Gold only have an in-game value.
    • You can't cash out.
    • What happens if you buy Shards before we hit Beta:
      • When Scrolls goes into Open Beta all progress will be reset, including any purchases made with Shards.
      • Your account will be credited with any Shards you've previously purchased.
      • As a good-will gift for buying-in early, all Alpha players will receive a 10 percent bonus of all Shards purchased before Open Beta.
      • For example, if you buy 600 Shards today, your account will be credited with a bonus 60 Shards when the open Beta is released. Your purchases will be reset, leaving you with 660 Shards to spend on whatever you fancy.



  • We've reset all rankings, custom decks, scrolls libraries and Trial progress. Why did we do this? We're at the final stages of testing before hitting open Beta, and we want to check early game balance. We will reset once more before Scrolls goes into Open Beta.
  • The in-game help screen has been updated to use the new graphics.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where structure countdowns would show as -1.
  • Fixed a bug in the appearance of texts showing unit stats.

Known Issues:

  • Users running Avast will need to disable it in order to login. We're still looking into why this happens.
0.88 alpha[28] May 22, 2013


  • We've got a new starter deck selection screen.
  • You can now click an on-screen button to open the battle menu.
  • Hitting control now toggles unit stats.


  • You can now click an item image in-store to display its details, just like clicking the question mark.
  • Resource icons now glow when sacrificing.
  • We've updated the Mac OSX launcher.
  • We've got a new Scrolls icon.

Bug Fixes:

  • We've fixed a bug where Divine Mark could give players four of the same unit.
  • Fixed a bug where trading would sometimes fail.
  • Fixed a bug where selling scrolls that didn't belong to a deck would fail.

Known Issues:

  • Users running Avast will need to disable it temporarily in order to login. We're (still) looking into why this happens.
0.87 alpha[29] May 16, 2013


  • The config dialog on launching the game (for setting resolution) has been removed. Now you select your resolution in-game, and your preferred option gets saved.


Known Issues:

  • Users running Avast will need to disable it temporarily in order to login. We're looking into why this happens.
0.86 alpha[30] May 2, 2013


  • The splash screen now includes a news area, game statistics, and a developer Twitter feed. The stats are still a work in progress.



  • The Scrolls logo has been updated.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where movement tiles would show on your side when clicking on a unit on the opposite side.
  • Fixed incorrect idol damage in post-game stats.
  • Fixed a number of timing related bugs (including attacks being interrupted too early).
  • Fixed a bug where decks would sometimes not get properly repaired after selling or trading excess scrolls.
  • Fixed a bug where certain tiles would remain highlighted after a unit has finished attacking.
  • Fixed incorrect sorting of scrolls in trade and sell lists.
  • Fixed a rare issue that could make a unit invisible.

Known Issues:

  • Users running Avast will need to disable it temporarily to login. We're looking into why this happens. Sorry!
0.84 alpha[31] April 17, 2013


  • The deck builder has received a major overhaul. It should now work significantly faster.
  • The "Match" gold rewards have been increased. "Idols" and "Completion" rewards haven't been tweaked. Easy wins now gives you 33% more gold, medium wins give you 42% more, and hard wins give 33% more.
  • Loss rewards have also been increased, particularly for easy and medium matches. Multiplayer win rewards have been increased by approximately 13%, and multiplayer loss rewards have also been increased by a small amount.
  • Multiplayer challenge games now give full rewards up to five times per day. We've limited the full rewards to five matches to prevent players exploiting the system.
  • Singleplayer challenges have been renamed "Trials" to avoid confusions with multiplayer challenge matches.
  • The store has been updated to include Shards: a secondary currency.
  • Preconstructed decks have been updated to fix rarity distributions.[32] We'd appreciate it if players could delete their existing precon decks (to get the new ones) and help us test the relative balance of the updated decks.
  • We've introduced a new "Move" stat. The default values are Move 1 for creatures and Move 0 for structures. It indicates the number of moves that a unit can make per turn.
  • The chat has a flood filter that temporarily mutes users who flood the chat.



  • Completed Trials (previously singleplayer challenges) no longer give any rewards.
  • The buttons for enabling/disabling challenges and trade invites now have mouseover tooltips.
  • "Gold" texts have been replaced with an icon throughout the client.
  • You can now see remaining time on "Just for you" offers by bringing up the detailed information of each item. This is currently refreshed when entering the store.
  • Post-death spawn effects (e.g. Illthorn Seed) now trigger after the full attack has finished.
  • We've improved the visual feedback when units are killed.
  • d:string in the deck builder now searches for "string" in abilities as well (e.g. d:relentless).

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where players would not be able to send challenges after having accepted a challenge from someone else.
  • Fixed a bug where the game would hang when ending turn too soon after sacrificing for resources.
  • Damage (units) now works as intended.
  • Players now see the same background during battles.

Known Issues:

  • Users running Avast will need to disable it temporarily in order to login. We're looking into why this happens.
0.83 alpha[33] February 20, 2013


Bug Fixes:

  • Essence Feast should no longer crash the game.
  • Chat tab-completion is no longer case-sensitive.
  • Challenges should now be replayable.
  • Chat scrolling behaviour has been improved slightly for certain resolutions.
  • Fixed a bug where users could get double music in battle mode.
  • Fixed a bug with opponent starting resources displays in challenges.
  • Divine Mark no longer targets structures.
  • Your current hand should now arrive at more appropriate times (for example when drawing a scroll).
0.82 alpha[34] February 18, 2013


  • Minimum deck size has been increased to 50 Scrolls!
  • We've added the first iteration of our Challenge Mode. It's part of our preparation for Scrolls' single-player campaign and is still early in development, but it's here for you to try out! Don't forget to provide as much feedback as possible on the pinned post at forum.
  • The battle interface has been redesigned. It's slicker than before and in-keeping with the new menus.
  • We've revamped the way you interact with your hand. Right clicking is old news. Now you left click a scroll whether you want to play it, or sacrifice for scrolls/resources. This change simplifies player's actions, and works especially well for touchpads and one-button mice.
  • In-line with the above, you now click the magnifying glass icon to magnify a scroll. Makes sense really.
  • We've included new movement highlights, as suggested by mrvelvet on the forums [35]. Massive props to that guy.
  • The post-match screen has been updated. There's a new layout, your avatar is displayed in all its glory, and changes to your rank are made clear.
  • Female avatars are now present! Get your girlfriends/sisters/mum to play!
  • We've tweaked the avatar designer so it's clear what's going on.
  • Lobby chat has been improved! Chats are now color coded, scrolling behavior has been improved, and personal notifications now flash in-game.
  • We've added audio notifications for chat messages, personal messages, match invites, found matches, and completed trades. You can toggle these on or off via the settings menu if you're an anti-noise kind-of person.
  • The store has been revamped. You'll find new purchase options, including limited amount of face-up cards, booster packs, and random scrolls of specific resources. Shopping is now significantly more fun.
  • The Deck Builder has been improved with some advanced search options. Use t: word to search in type/subtype, and d: word to search through the descriptions. For example, t: spell d:countdown finds all spell scrolls that can modify countdowns. Simple(ish)!
  • Token units now have "Token" in their description to help you identify them.



  • Finer lines/detail on male avatar heads.
  • Improved desert, castle battle background images.
  • Improvements have been made to card list performance. The trade and sell views should run significantly smoother.
  • Multiplied all gold rewards and store prices by ten.
  • The resource icons for Growth, Order and Energy have been updated.
  • New animation for visual feedback on spell casting.

Bug Fixes:

  • The task bar no longer flashes orange when tabbed out and using Windows.
  • Changes have been made to how the frame rate is limited.
  • The sound system has been rewritten, fixing a number of sound-related bugs.
  • Blessing of Haste now works on opponent units.
0.79 alpha[36] December 11, 2012


  • We've changed the way we rate your progress. Your existing ELO value is still used for matchmaking, but each player has a separate rating which is displayed in-game. The new rating starts at 0 and builds up to your ELO value as you play ranked games. We haven't reset anyone's existing ELO value. It sounds confusing, but you don't need to worry about it – that's Jakob's job.
  • To compliment the ranking system, we've improved the way we search for opponents. Ranked and Quick matches will now try to match you with a similarly skilled opponent before expanding the search range over time.
  • Gold rewards have been revamped. The bonus pool has been eliminated, rewards have been tweaked, and you get extra gold for destroying idols.
  • We've added a new splash screen! Rejoice!



  • The popup system has been reworked. Popups now scale properly with resolution. We've also improved the way some of them work.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fertile Soil now works as intended (it can only target creatures).

Known Issues:

  • It's not possible to login when Avast (anti-virus software) is running with the current version. Sorry Avast users! To get around this problem you can add Scrolls to Avast's excluded processes list. Here's how to do it: open the Avast interface, click Real-Time Shields, then click Web Shield. Open Expert Settings followed by Exclusions. Under Processes to Exclude, click Add, then find your Scrolls.exe. Select it and click OK.
0.77 alpha[37] November 19, 2012


  • The menu UI has been given a major facelift. We've reworked the whole damn thing!
  • The chat now covers the bottom of the screen when in the Arena. It's automatically minimized in other screens but can be accessed manually.
  • Chat messages are now color-coded and timestamped.
  • Invites to games and trades now show a small notification that can be answered when convenient.
  • The trade menu has been tweaked. Now you can see both player's inventories and offers at all times. Scrolls can be clicked for more information.
  • The cost of your scrolls are grayed out if you can't afford to play them.
  • Your hand is grayed out when it's not your turn.
  • Sound settings can be accessed from the lobby as well as in matches.
  • We've added new end-turn sound effects.


Known Issues:

  • It's not possible to login when Avast (anti-virus software) is running with the current version. Sorry Avast users! To get around this problem you can add Scrolls to Avast's excluded processes list. Here's how to do it: open the Avast interface, click Real-Time Shields, then click Web Shield. Open Expert Settings followed by Exclusions. Under Processes to Exclude, click Add, then find your Scrolls.exe. Select it and click OK.
0.75 alpha[38] October 10, 2012


  • Tutorial updated.
  • Logging in while logged in on another computer will no longer kick both connections.
  • Login information is now also encrypted during transmission to game server.
  • The first player to act now starts with one less Scroll in their starting hand.
  • You can now sort scrolls by resource type in the Deck Builder.
  • If a unit takes damage from two different sources at the same time, the numbers displaying the damage are now better positioned.
  • You can now view other player's profile pages.


  • Ranger's Bane can now only be cast on creatures.
  • Golem Skin is now an enchantment.
  • Inferno Blast is now back to an area of 7 tiles, but only deals 1 damage. It costs 3.
  • Sinmarked Zealot's Health has been lowered to 1.
  • All Memorials now have 1 Health, cost 2 and do not award a scroll upon death.
  • Mangy Wolf now has 3 Health instead of 4. When Mangy Wolf comes into play, it decreases the countdown of other wolves you control by 1.


  • Reworked an avatar slightly.
  • The Deck Builder now shows the names of decks you are about to delete.
  • Deck Builder sorting buttons and overlay popups no longer overlap.
  • Deck Builder validation warnings are now more clearly displayed.
  • The background in battle mode is no longer shown before the UI.

Bug Fixes:

  • Various bug fixes in client-server communication.
  • Fixed a bug related to the duration of the Frostbeard buff.
  • The summoning sound has been removed from the Deck Builder screen.
  • Fixed a bug where Illthorn Seed would sometimes not be triggered by units with Relentless.
0.72 alpha[39] October 4, 2012


  • For this patch, we've made some major adjustments to the different resource types. This includes a significant number of moved scrolls. The reasoning behind this is that we want to differentiate the resources more clearly, which could help a mono-resource deck feel unique, or provide incentive to play multi-resource decks. This also means balance will have shifted, but we're actively looking to compensate resources that are currently lacking in power by adding new scrolls. In other words: Balance will be slightly off in this version, and we're looking to improve and fix this for the next version.
  • All decks have been reset in order to allow for moving scrolls. However, card libraries have not been reset (nor has gold), so with the exception of a few removed scrolls (Lifestealer, Mire Curse, Bitter Root, Infected Gravelock), players should be able to create decks similar to the ones they had before the patch.
  • The preconstructed decks have been modified according to moved scrolls. Scrolls gained as part of a preconstructed deck are not sellable or tradable. This is a way for us to ensure players don't get rid of their entire libraries, thus not having enough scrolls to play and earn new scrolls.


  • Player-to-player trading has been added! You can now trade scrolls and gold with other players by clicking their name in the chat and choosing "Trade".
  • Sellback of scrolls has been added.
  • The store has been improved. It's now easier to keep track of scrolls you've bought in one go, and various visual effects have been added.
  • Units that are sacrificed or killed by death effects (Violent Dispersal) now properly trigger on-death effects (such as Heritage).
  • The deck builder now shows a preview of the unit when a unit scroll is hovered.
  • The server structure has been changed to allow AI instances to run on separate servers. This should allow us to scale up the number of users with access to the game significantly.



  • Added a bunch of flavor texts to current scrolls.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where multiple songs would play at once.
0.71 alpha[40] September 13, 2012


  • Scrolls have been redesigned! The new scrolls more prominently display their cost, have been updated to show card type and rarity, and look all that much cooler. Expect further UI changes along the way.
  • The deck builder has received a major overhaul! This includes new sorting options, a button to automatically layout scrolls on the table, and an easy-to-use scroll preview area. Additionally, scrolls can now be searched by name.
  • Game now more clearly displays whose turn it is (with a message at the start of each round).
  • When players leave, disconnect, or reconnect to a match, an appropriate message is shown in the in-game chat.
  • The arena is now tabbed, and remains active in the deck builder and store. All previously opened tabs are re-opened when a user returns to the arena after playing a match.
  • Players can now customize their avatars by clicking the Profile menu button.



  • AI now has slight pauses between moves and scrolls played, to make it easier to understand what it's doing.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where users who were in several chat rooms would randomly jump back and forth.
  • Reworded Vitality Well to match how the scroll actually works.
0.70 alpha[41] August 21, 2012


  • Area spells now indicate which tiles will be affected when hovering the board (this includes Inferno Blast, Frost Wind, Decimation and Thunder Surge).
  • Added player ratings – these can be seen in the arena and are automatically updated after each match. In the future, ranking will be calculated and used for ranked matches. Players who do not want to play competitively will be able to play unranked matches.
  • Added in-game chat. Press enter to open the chat window.
  • The lobby chat has been improved. It is now divided into rooms. Players automatically enter the first available "General-X" room on entering the arena, and are then free to move around in listed rooms or create their own rooms. Additionally, a scrollbar has been added to this chat.
  • Added volume controls (SFX and music). Only in-game for now – we'll add an out-of-game settings menu later.
  • Added in-game gold, which is earned by playing games. There is some randomness to the amount earned, but it's based on things like game type, AI difficulty (in case of singleplayer games), game length and whether or not you won the game.
  • Added a first iteration of an ingame store, where players can use in-game gold to buy new cards.
  • To allow players to unlock new cards when playing, all decks have been reset, and all players have been given the cards contained in three started decks (one Growth, one Energy, and one Order). Players can use the store to get more cards.
  • Added game statistics, shown at the end of a match.
  • Removed all scrolls and decks from all users. Users will be given 3 starter decks, one of each resource type.


  • NEW: End of Reason is now implemented. Cost: 5 energy. Sacrifices all of your units, and deals 1 damage per unit to opponent's idol on the same row.
  • NEW: Essence Feast is now implemented. Cost: 6 growth. Heals your idols an amount equal to the number of creatures you control on each row.
  • NEW: Unleash Inner Power is now implemented. Cost: 4 growth. Increases target creature's attack by its health value, then sets health to 1.
  • NEW: Bunny!
  • Shift has been changed into Pother. Cost: 1 order. Target unit is moved to a random unoccupied, adjacent tile. Draw a card.
  • Flip now costs 2 order.
  • Transposition now lets you draw a card (Switch places between two units you control, then draw a card).
  • Brother of the Wolf's activated ability no longer costs resources to activate.
  • Sinmarked Zealot can now only activate his ability in place of an attack (that is, when his counter is at 0).
  • Potion of Life has been renamed to Elan Vital, and now lasts indefinitely.
  • Decimation now deals 2 damage to all units on row, and 2 damage to opponent's idol on row.
  • Gun Automaton countdown nerfed from 1 to 2, attack buffed from 1 to 2. Current stats: 2/2/3, ranged, cost 2.
  • Gravelock Raider countdown nerfed from 1 to 2, defense buffed from 1 to 2. Current stats: 1/2/2, relentless, cost 1.
  • Royal Vanguard now has a new ability, Knockback, instead of his previous abilities (Relentless, attack value increase on attack). Additionally, his cost has been lowered from 5 to 4. Knockback moves unit hit one tile backwards. If a knocked back unit would collide with another unit, the two units switch places.


  • Enchantment tooltips now display the full card rules instead of a shorthand description. This should lead to more accurate descriptions.
  • Retaliate has been renamed to Spiky in order to better explain how it works. The tooltip has also been corrected (it erroneously used to say that the damage was dealt before the unit was attacked). When a unit with Spiky X is attacked, it deals X damage to its attacker (regardless of whether the defending unit dies in the process). Note that the defending unit will still take attack damage as normal.
  • Enabled VSync for "Good" and "Fantastic" quality settings, and set the target frame rate to 60. This should decrease the game's performance hit on fast computers.
  • When tabbing out or unfocusing the game, VSync is disabled and the target frame rate is set to 20. This should make the game use significantly less resources when not in use.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a typo in the "Ranger's Bane" name.
  • Fixed an issue with tile highlighting when casting spells.
  • Fixed a couple of typos in the tutorial.
  • Fixed a bug where most unit enchantments could not target structures.
  • Fixed a bug where Purification could not target both sides.
  • Fixed a bug where cards would show as selected even when deselected.
  • Fixed a bug where certain spells could be made to target disallowed areas.
  • Fixed regression in how sending challenges is handled – one no longer has to right-click the challenge box in order to send the challenge.
  • Fixed a bug when units would still not be able to move after Dryadic Power was removed from them.
  • Music is now properly muted when application is out of focus. Fades in/out on focus/unfocus.
  • Initial music and splash screen music now loops.
  • Many other minor bug fixes.

Known Issues:

  • The poison enchantment tooltip displays incorrect texts.
  • Vitality Well has an incorrect description.
0.69 alpha July 10, 2012

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed user list in Arena so all users are shown.
  • Some minor fixes in the GUI.
  • When opponent sacrifices a scroll for two new scrolls, it will not be listed as sacrificed.
  • Keep ignoring the Sound FX place holders...
0.68 alpha July 5, 2012

Start of Closed Alpha.[42]

Bug Fixes:

  • Removed Bug Reporting from in-game menu. Please use the forum at meanwhile.
  • Placeholder sound effects are back. Ignore them for now...

See also[]


  32. Preconstructed decks haven't been updated in this version actually. See .